

welllll today was a crappy day! i think i'll tell you all about it. 1a) our volleyball team sucks =) thats right we suck and you know why? because we lack commitment and dont doubt for a second that there are people on the team that dont even want to be at practices or games. god damn like seriously if you dont want to go THEN DONT! and let someone else that WANTS to play, PLAY! if you dont want to be there i dont want you there either. if you're playing just for CAS or something LEAVE NOW because it shouldnt matter. and if you're gonna play a half-assed game dont bother to show up because its all or nothing, and thats it. seriously its quite a simple concept. i hope you all read this. 1b) because we are never in the right positions during a game i now have a bruise the size of two toonies on my right leg in addition to my bruised ankle and hip. tres bien, n'est-ce pas? 2) i stood outside for forty minutes in the dark waiting for my ride. they forgot about me =) 3) french test tomorrow and i dont remember jack all, im screwed over, i believe i may need a tutor. 4) i have never hated my mom more than i do now. 5a) i cant taste food. 5b) i think i may have swallowed a bug today.
maaan its been a shitty week, one where im considering buying that punching bag for my room. sometimes i just want to scream at the top of my lungs, cry my eyes dry and run away. shit things would be so much easier


the road only gets harder to walk on from here 

so i think ive come to a point. yes a point. a point that friends are not forever.

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